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About men's tie

A tie is an important part of a man’s wardrobe, one should be as careful in choosing it as choosing a shoe. An improper tie can attract even more attention than a perfect suit, only the effect will be negative. That is why Jemanta style experts decided to share tips that will help in choosing a tie.

Tip 1. If you are choosing a tie for a special occasion, remember that it should be a tone darker than a shirt and a tone lighter than a suit.
Tip 2. When buying a tie for every day, you should choose a tie in dark colors with a fine pattern.
Tip 3. Fans of bright ties in a cage or strip on a note: the costume should be plain. And vice versa: for checkered suits and shirts, you need only a plain tie.
Tip 4. If you are wearing a suit, then the tie clip should not be visible when the jacket is fastened. A decorative clip is usually worn in the absence of a jacket.
Tip 5. The tie should end slightly below the level of the belt.
Tip 6. The width of the tie should match the height
