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How to wear a bracelet

People from ancient times wore jewelry - as an indicator of status and wealth, as a sign of belonging to a particular class, paying tribute to traditions or considering jewelry to be charms that attract good luck and prosperity. It is not surprising that in the end, jewelry and how to wear them found a special meaning, which has not outlived to this day. Moreover, today, a variety of jewelry has also become a great way to express yourself or increase self-esteem.

Among the variegated list of various jewelry, among the most popular and widespread, bracelets remain to this day. Jewelry of this kind, especially made of precious metals, has been valued at all times. They are worn not only on hands, but also on legs, for their manufacture they use a variety of materials - from precious metals to wood, and bracelets made of unusual materials, for example, exotic leathers, distinguished by their originality and uniqueness, are especially popular. Of course, such a significant and popular accessory has long been adopted by modern fashion, which, in turn, provides for certain conventions for wearing a bracelet.

There is, of course, no definite answer on which hand the bracelet should be worn. The variety of forms and styles of bracelets gives extensive scope for imagination. The purely practical side of the issue cannot be ignored - the right hand, for example, is far more likely to be in sight, like the accessories decorating it, but on the other hand, as more functional, it may be inconvenient for wearing large jewelry. And if you are left-handed, then everything, of course, will be the other way around. Bracelets are worn by both men and women, and often the bracelet becomes an important “highlight” or a bright finishing touch of the image - therefore, it is important not what hand the bracelet is on, but how harmoniously it fits into the image.

Nowadays, bracelets most often coexist with watches. Such situations require some thought. The easiest way, of course, is to wear a bracelet on one hand, and a watch on the other, and it is not so important which of these accessories will be on which hand. However, modern trends also allow a combination of bracelets and watches on one hand. In this case, of course, you should choose both accessories so that they form a harmonious pair. For example, you should not combine large, massive watches with an equally massive bracelet. A much more elegant solution will be to combine bright and expressive watches with a thin bracelet, or to pick up a pair in the same style.

Nevertheless, the main criterion that should be followed is a combination of clothes and jewelry. Everything plays a role here: color, shape, materials, style of jewelry and many other factors. Inability to select accessories suitable for clothes always gives a bad taste, therefore, no matter how branded and stylish your chosen clothes are, in case of a combination they will produce a depressing impression.

Separately, it should be said about men's bracelets and the rules for wearing them. As a rule, the choice of men's bracelets is not so wide, but this is quite natural, because for men it is not so much the aesthetic effect that is important as the solidity of the accessory. A man’s bracelet is just a light and interesting touch complementing the image, emphasizing the status of its owner. The list of materials used to make such bracelets is much more modest than in the case of women's bracelets, and this is also related to the role of the bracelet as an indicator of status: most often men's bracelets are made of precious metals, genuine leather and other “status” materials.

However, the choice of a bracelet for a particular person is always an exclusively individual matter. Numerous factors play a role in solving this issue, beginning with the requirements of capricious fashion and ending with personal impressions of jewelry, and therefore it is best to trust your intuition and sense of style when choosing a bracelet.
